Services for students and employees
Quantitative analyses are accompanied by many questions that can arise during processing. Is the method correct? How are the results interpreted? The consultations at fu:stat offer help in finding answers to these questions. They are offered for the target group described below and are free of charge or for members of the Potsdam Graduate School for a small fee (see below).
We currently offer our consultations by phone/video chat or email.
Immediate help
- For short questions about problems with the evaluation of data.
- The duration of the immediate assistance is limited to approx. 20 minutes. If a longer consultation is required, an appointment can be arranged.
- Please send an e-mail to for the consultation via video conference, which always takes place on Thursdays between 09:00 and 11:00. You will then receive an invitation to the video conferencing system of Freie Universität Berlin by e-mail.
- Important: The supervisor must also agree to immediate assistance (see requirements).
Consultation appointments
- For project-specific and more extensive questions on statistical analyses.
- After arranging a consultation appointment. You can register for a consultation appointment here.
Target group
Our consulting services are free for:
- Students and employees of the Freie Universität Berlin
- PhD students enrolled at the Freie Universität Berlin
Excluded are people associated to the medicine department (Charité) (those students please refer to the statistical consultancy of the institute of “Biometrie und Klinische Epidemiologie”)
The Potsdam Graduate School cooperates with fu:stat. Members of the Potsdam Graduate School have to contact the PoGS in advance for approval for any statistical consulting. PhD students of PoGS pay 25 € and Postdocs as well as Junior Professors of PoGs pay 37.50 € for each consulting hour (see information about statistics offers of the PoGS).
Before consultancy, your supervisor has to agree to the planed cooperation with fu:stat. We further reject any consultancy requests if the submission date of your work is less than four weeks ahead.
Notes regarding the consultancy
Please note, that fu:stat is not performing the analysis of your data. fu:stat rather helps finding the right statistical methods, applying it correctly to your data and interpreting the results. However, small example steps of the analysis can be performed together.
The amount of consultancy should not exceed three appointments due to capacity reasons.
We kindly ask the participant to state the hypotheses, prepare the data and refresh their statistical knowledge prior to the appointment.
- Before making an appointment you should be familiar with your topic and especially the empirical part of your work. You should precisely state your main questions for which you need our support.
- Then you can register using the Registration Form. Please fill out the form as detailed as possible. The more information we have regarding your case, the better we can prepare in advance. Don’t hesitate to contact us, if you have any questions concerning the Registration Form. We will contact you after the registration. This can take up to 10 days.
- Please bring all important information to the appointment. You also need to bring some kind of proof, that you are associated to the Freie Universitaet Berlin (e.g. student-ID).
Other services
Supervision of empirical work in cooperation with companies
Fu:stat offers the supervision of empirical Bachelor- and Master thesis in cooperation with companies. → more information -
Statistical courses
Fu:stat offers a variety of statistical courses (normally in March and September) to prepare for any empirical work. The outline of the trainings is based on our daily consultancy experiences and focuses on the particular target groups. → more information